Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Elle had her first game today. All I can say is, we have got a great team! 3-2 final score.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter 2008

With Easter comes eggs, candy and most of all the DRESS. Saige had a hard time this Easter. She got her dress a month before the actual date. I guess there's this Easter taboo about the dress being worn before that Sunday. Oh no, you can't wear it until Easter. Not a day before. Not even try it on. In fact don't even look at it!

So for the past month we have had a grand time telling a little 3 year old that the dress could not be worn. Each day she would look at it and ask, "can I wear it?" there were always a couple of "please mommy, please?" Finally she got to wear it. She danced around the house like a princess. No doubt singing the entire time.

We painted eggs the night before at 10:30 (as usual) The girls put their hair up in curlers to make them that much cuter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Collective Soul

Funny thing happened today. (flash back to February) We had been trying to go see Collective Soul out in Wendover at the end of the month. Tickets went on sale, long story short, the Peppermill has a lousy "buy online site" so we missed out on that concert. We were really bummed. They are one of my favorite bands to see live and not to mention I have ALL their albums. Just a great band all together.

(present day) My boss called me in and asked if I wanted to go see them play tonight. He had 2 extra tickets that he let us use! Novell brought them in to play for all their "geeks". (I hope that doesn't offend anyone) The concert was awesome! They played all their hits and more.

Gotta give props to the Gambles and the Dodsons for the tickets and a good time.

For the record I am a Mac guy 100%. But Novell knows how to rock!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lambo and Johnny

We took some photos for a promotional poster featuring Johnny Miller and a Lamborghini. This car will be the prize for a hole-in-one. With that much pressure on the line, you are bound to shank it!

I'd tell you more about the car, but I know nothing about this type of car. What I do know, it's sweet!

Johnny Miller was a great help. He knew exactly what do to to make it a perfect shot... That's him in the black walking around, helping.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Elle & Wasatch County

1st Place for Originality!!!!

The fourth grade at Cherry Hill had their Utah County Fair. (I guess that's what you call it) More like a - find out as much information about the county you chose and make a display.
Elle chose Wasatch County. She did a great job at her display. Mom helped out a little... ok, more like a lot. Give it up to all the Moms. But, Elle put everything together. I got to judge them on a number of things. I do have to say that Elle new her stuff when it came down to it.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Elle & Ronnie Brewer

From the Daily Herald - 3/5/08
Utah Jazz guard Ronnie Brewer reads with fourth grader Elle Johnson, right, and sixth grader Sydney Harward at an assembly at Cherry Hill Elementary welcoming the 22-year-old six foot seven ball player.

Elle's school set a goal to read 750,000 minutes. They blew by their goal and ended up at 830,000 minutes. There Principal, Mrs. Hart told them that if they met the goal she would dye her hair pink and kiss a pig. And she did it in front of the entire school.

The Daily Herald came and took the photo of Elle reading with Ronnie Brewer to the ENTIRE school. If you know Elle was a HUGE deal for her. She said she did good and didn't miss a word.