Wednesday, November 19, 2008

7 Random Things

Millissa got tagged by Melanie. You will either read this and think, "Yup, that's Millissa" or "Wow, she's crazy" So, here goes...

1 - I don't finish my sentences. When deep in thought trying to get something out, the only words are.. You gotta... ya need ta... let m... it drives Garrit (me) crazy.

2 - I sleep in my bra. Not for the reasons you might think. In case of an emergency like, a burglar, intruder, or the house is on fire. If I have to run out of the house I want to be well supported.

3- I have an obsession with dishes and stemware. I have 4 separate sets of stemware, 12 pieces in each. And all we drink from is plastic Disney cups. Also there are Platters, Cake Stands, Bowls and Christmas Dishes. When in a store I always look at dishes.

4- I love to watch music videos. I always have. When I was growing up my friends always wanted me to play outside. But, I would rather stay in and watch Mtv. Garrit (me) thinks that if he makes fun of me and tells me they are dumb, I will stop watching them. Never gonna happen.

5- My favorite snack is Saltine Crackers and Milk. Step 1 - place entire cracker in mouth. Step 2 - take a big swig of milk. Mmmmmm... Even better when taking a bath.

6 - I have to shave my legs everyday. I can't stand to feel leg hair rubbing against my pants. It drives me crazy.

7 - Lawn Mower. When I was 16 I had a summer job. I would mow lawns for 6 people in our neighborhood. I carted the mower around in the trunk of my Jetta. I was really tan and in great shape.

Don't judge me...


Brooke said...

I love #5. Never heard of that combination.

nataliejustin said...

I totally remember you putting that lawn mower in your Jetta! That image brought up a bunch of memories. Maybe I should start mowing lawns, tan and in shape. Is it worth it?

MELANIE said...

See how cool you are? This all sounds just like you to me :)

MELANIE said...

You did forget to mention that you are disgusted when people eat in their cars. That is totally random.

. said...

No, that is NOT random. Many share the same disgust.

Anonymous said...

Sleep in your bra? I could only do that if it were wireless:)

nataliejustin said...

I tried the milk and cracker thing, NOT GOOD! I'll stick with cookies.

Amber said...

Millissa, You make me LAUGH!! I love your 7 random things!!

Amber said...

p.s. I related to the Bra thing too. Can't say I do it, but it makes sense.