Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pioneers/Jazz Game

Elle had her pioneer trek today. They all dressed up as pioneers and pull their hand cart around until they ended up at one of the teacher's homes. There they made all kinds of things, even made their own butter.

Suite night! Our company held a suite night at the EnergySolutions Arena. It's Round 2 of the finals, Jazz vs. Lakers. Jazz won 104 - 99. We had a great time. Millissa got to put faces with the names I always talk about...


Shauna said...

I am so jealous that you got to go to the game. Why didn't you tell me today when I saw you. Those are things you need to share. Wait, I guess you did share. Aren't those suites awesome, eat eat and more eat. We got invited for Paul's work, I hope we get to go again. A playoff game would be awesome.

Bristy said...

You scum bags, I can't believe you didn't invite us, but you spy on us! J/K It's cool to see you guys, even if it is through the internet, we miss you. Maybe if you weren't so busy going to playoff games and vacationing we could get together.

Brooke said...

That looks like a fun date night.

Jen B. said...

I won't tell Mike you wouldn't want to hear his language,if he found out! Looks like a good time though!

nataliejustin said...

when I saw your blog, me, the non-sports fan was very jealous. Then I told Justin and he was jealous. What a fun game to be able to go to. Elle looks cute! all pioneers should of worn jeans! Happy Mothers Day!

Anonymous said...

Nothing goes together like pioneers and basketball!!!

Jason (in Georgia)