Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blah, blah and blah

Alright here we go...

Been a little busy these last couple of weeks. The good times have been piling up, and so have the photos. So I guess this will be mostly photos. Some of when Ryan, Jen, Maddie and Mike were up for the 24th. Saige celebrated her birthday on the 24th as well. We spent time bowling, playing at Moms house. We had a great slip-n-slide set up.

I'll let the photos do the talking... and for those who like "singstar" the video game. You are in for a treat. I may get killed for posting this but it's worth it. I'll save that one for the last.


Carolyn Hansen said...

That was awesome!!! I so wish we'd been there for the musical numbers. :)

Angela and Tyler said...

Sweet moves Millissa, I forgot how good you were at Sing n Star !!!

nataliejustin said...

Garrit you rule! you just made my year! and Millissa holy crap you rock! That was great I am sitting in an empty house with nothing but my computer in it laughing my head off, fabulous!!

Shauna said...

I love you guys! That night was so much fun! You guys are awesome! And Millissa, I really don't know uite what to say but you are one hot mama!!

Brittany said...

Milissa is the rock star of the world!!

Anonymous said...

Love the video! Wish I could see you guys more. Glad my mom finally gave me the site to see this! Email me sometime:

MELANIE said...

you are rockin! what a babe!! Thanks Garrit :)

Anonymous said...

Millissa, you really let your hair down--it was more fun seeing it in person, but then seeing it twice was a hoot!! It was a fun night thanks to Paul and Shauna--you guys rock!

Carly Johnston said...

Wow! You guys are a cute fam.. Yeah I blog now too!